Author Archives: Paul B

About Paul B

Gamer, reviewer, history buff and business analyst. Living in Manchester, in the UK. I work as a senior business analyst and manager. When I'm not at work, I: * Write tabletop game and book reviews, * Develop and market All Rolled Up dice bags with my wife, * Wallow in a library of Tudor history books, and (occasionally) * Write freelance RPG projects - like Paranoia, Maelstrom & Outlive Outdead


With the imminent new series, the BBC has updated the Sarah Jane Adventures website. Currently contains a few teasers – like a couple of items of alien tech, a tour of the attic, some files on ‘School Reunion’ and the Bane affair and more besides (and to come). Having just rewatched the Bane episode from New Year, I’m really looking forward to this!

Everything Changes Again

Strange how you can grow bizarrely fond of something on second or third viewing, when originally you weren’t completely convinced. I purchased music CDs in the past that led to just such an experience – then I watched ‘Everything Changes’ and ‘Captain Jack Harkness’ last night… and I thoroughly enjoyed both of them. I liked ‘Everything Changes’ to begin with, actually – but I have only a hazy recollection of ‘Harkness’ from the first viewing. I enjoyed the whole story – both in 1941 and the power play in the Hub.

I still, perhaps, find Bilis Manger a bit of an odd sort and not 100% convincing as a threat – but, maybe, I’m thinking about him in the wrong way. Bilis represents an occult threat, rather than a physical one – he has intentions to bring about the end of the world, not do it single handedly himself with tooth and claw. Mind, and I may be missing something here, I still don’t remember an explanation of how he managed to acquire the vital missing piece of the Rift Manipulator from inside the Hub… Does he have a TARDIS or something hidden away, or has he acquired additional dark powers from his otherworld patron that never get explained?

Blinking Hell

Excellent news that the Weeping Angels topped the Scariest Monster polls for readers of Doctor Who Adventures magazine. Without doubt, the quantum-locked killers beat the Manhatten-based Daleks hands-down, and the Human-Dalek Hybrid wouldn’t have even got a look in (who would have been scared of him?). I believe ‘Blink‘ rightly deserves a place in the Doctor Who mythos as one of the scariest and most original episodes ever and writer Moffat deserves a hearty slap on the back, a big bonus and the opportunity to write many more episodes in the future (of whatever Who franchise they can rope him in for!).