Yes. Okay. I finely folded in under the non-existent pressure and purchased the Doctor Who Gamemaster’s Screen from Leisure Games. I had intended to fashion my own (probably from twigs and lint), but after a couple of weeks without progress I admitted defeat. I would like to kick off running the game this weekend and without a screen I would feel quite naked.
Once I have the game running and under way, I fully expect to post a fuller review of the game, the screen, and my own campaign. Oddly, and like so many other players, I seem to be thinking along the lines of a thirteen episode Season; but, we’ll see whether I have the energy to carry it for that length of time.
Currently, I have:
1. (prologue and) Arrowdown
2. Countdown (updated version of FASA adventure)
3. Taking the Tunnel (Victorian Under Siege 2)
4. And… Um…
Well, I have a notion of where it’s going and what the finale will involve… But, for the moment, I’ll allow my creative urges to take me where they will – which quite possibly might go off-course from Episode 1!