Certain moments in time are fixed…
I’m thrilled to see that the countdown is well and truly running now toward a known air time for ‘The Waters of Mars’. With the new trailer up on the official web site, the date is set – Sunday, 15th November. Just nine days to go… and then the long haul to Christmas.
I’m looking forward to this. I feel like we’ve all been waiting for a really long time. Within 6 or 7 weeks, the 10th Doctor will be gone and a new age for the Time Lord will commence. I trust in the Big T to do the business and deliver a finale worthy of a fine Doctor and an outstanding actor. To do anything less might well be a nail in the coffin.
The new year will bring a new Doctor and the new Doctor Who roleplaying game, too. I hope that the overhaul of the cast and crew will mean great things and will allow the series to maintain the vitality that Russell T delivered when Christopher Eccleston first appeared on the screen in his leather jacket and ear-to-ear grin in 2005.